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Fair Prices: Prices based on Human Rights (2023)
In this new paper of Ruud Bronkhorst reasons are given why Fair Prices are essential to obtain a Living Income for small producers and a Living Wage for workers.
The paper can be downloaded here.
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Fair-trade coffee: how fair is fair? (2022)
The publication, chapter of a book ‘Climate-smart production of Coffee, published in the Burleigh Dodds Series in Agricultural Science, in now available at this website with permission of the Burleigh Dodds. Download here.
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Presentation by Ruud Bronkhorst at a Fair Price/Living Income webinar (September 2021)
'The Economics of Human Rights, Using the Living Income / Fair price Approach to Combat Poverty' was the presentation of Ruud Bronkhorst at a Fair Price/Living Income webinar (September 2021).
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Why the European Union should include Fair Prices in its policies (2021)
An article by Ruud Bronkhorst in ‘Hunger Explained’ why payment of Fair Prices and Wages to workers and producers worldwide should be made compulsory.
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The Economics of Human Rights - Using the Living Income/Fair Price Approach to Combat Poverty (2020)
The book by Ruud Bronkhorst gives an introduction to the Living Income/ Fair Price approach.
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Fair Producer Prices (2019)
A Paper to the 93rd Annual Conference of the Agricultural Economics Society (AES), University of Warwick, April 2019.
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Fair Prices to Achieve a Living Income for Small Farmers and Its Relation to Local Food Purchase Programs (2018)
Based on the Living Income concept, a methodology has been developed to calculate ‘fair’ prices for peasants for different crops. Application of this method can guide both policy makers and companies in their development of ‘ethical’ policies, based on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
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Des prix équitables pour un revenu vital (2017)
Les conditions de vie des petits producteurs sont un aspect de la production alimentaire qui n’a pas, jusqu’à ce jour, reçu l’attention qu’elle mérite. Il y a un large consensus sur le fait que les petits agriculteurs produisent avec un rendement à l’hectare plus grand que celui obtenu par les grandes exploitations (IFPRI).
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Guide How to Calculate Fair Prices (2016)
InfoBridge published the 'Guide How to Calculate Fair Prices' (2016) by Ruud Bronkhorst. In the Guide a practical example is given how to calculate Fair Prices for agricultural products originating from small-holders.
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Fair Prices: Peasants and the possibilities of a Living Income (2013) by Ruud Bronkhorst
After a brief discussion of the main approaches to the concept of the ‘Living Wage’ (LW), a methodology is developed how to apply this concept to the case of peasants. Since peasants do not receive a wage, the Living Wage definition is adapted to that of a ‘Living Income’ (LI).